Under the guise of security and convenience, a Swedish company wants to microchip hundreds of thousands of employees at British companies.
Who’s doing this?
The company, Biohax, is working with a number of UK legal and financial firms are negotiating programs to implant staffers with the devices, according to The Telegraph.
“One prospective client, which cannot be named, is a major financial services firm with ‘hundreds of thousands of employees,’ ” the report stated.
”These companies have sensitive documents they are dealing with,” Jowan Osterlund, the founder of Biohax and a former professional body piercer, told the news outlet. “[The chips] would allow them to set restrictions for whoever.”
A syringe is used to place the chip in an area between the thumb and forefinger, according to the report. Osterlund said the procedure is similar to ear piercing and takes “about two seconds.” The microchips operate via “near field communication” technology, similar to what is used by no-contact bank cards.
“In a company with 200,000 employees, you can offer this as an opt-in,” Osterlund told the Telegraph.
Plan unveiled to microchip "hundreds of thousands" of UK employees at major companies by Teri Webster on Tweet
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